
Personal tax or Corporate tax, both can be tricky for normal individuals. Your actions for the betterment of your business can also levy a good amount of taxes on you individually or on your business. By utilising our tax consultation services, we ensure you or your business can avoid unnecessary tax implications for your ease of mind. Our services include Corporate Tax, Personal Tax including Sole Trading and Partnerships, Self-Assessment, Personal Tax Planning, VAT, Estate Planning, HRMC Investigations and Enquiries, and Tax Protection.


Tax Services We Deal In

Our team will always guide you how and where can you save your taxes, where you can claim a refund, appeal and defend penalties. If you have knowledge, you can identify where to save yourself from avoidable tax situations.

Corporation Tax

Corporate Tax is a legal liability on the business owner, defined in Corporation Tax guidance by HMRC. For Business owners having most of the responsibilities, it makes difficult for them to prepare tax returns timely and efficiently. Our teams prepare tax returns for your business and ensure you pay your tax instalments on time. We also help your business to become compliant with the regulations set by the tax authorities.

Personal Tax

Setting up a goal or planning for the future with confidence of taking the right decisions at the right time can make a tremendous difference towards your success. Same are the principles that we apply towards tax affairs. Our experts give you best possible advice on personal tax and the tax planning opportunities available for you. They help you save on taxes from wherever it is possible and claim the extra tax you have already paid. We will complete your taxes filing in timely manner and error free to avoid unnecessary penalties imposed by HRMC in recent years along with how much tax to pay.


Capital Gains & Inheritance Tax

Are you having troubles dealing with Capital Gains and Inheritance Tax? The good news is you don’t have to pay any Capital Gains Tax on the property or assets that were never sold to you. But when you plan on selling the assets or property you inherited, that is where you will be subject to Capital Gain and Inheritance Tax. Our tax experts and advisors help you plan and save on your tax liabilities, which a normal person is not even aware of.

HMRC Investigations

Taxation is a harsh reality of this world, no matter what you do or how careful you be, HMRC can select you for a random investigation of your personal or business tax returns, with no justification. To tackle tax avoidance and tax evasion, the commitment of the government is increasing towards specific tax campaigns, where they are putting more and more people under these investigations. Getting expert advice at an early stage will be beneficial for you and that’s where Ortenz & Co. plays their part.

Estate Planning

Every individual who is earning these days is subject to file tax returns. Professional advice and support can optimise their tax position and fulfil the compliance requirements all around the year with us. Ortenz & Co. Limited also specialises estate planning, where one can save themselves from hassle of complex tax systems. We can help you plan and review your will, get you exemptions or have your taxes lowered in lifetime transfers, smooth lifetime transfers between family members and many more.



Administering VAT can be an arduous process because of the ever-growing demands of HMRC. We ensure that your business is compliant to the regulations and you do not overpay VAT. Our services also include registration of VAT, planning and administration, usage of suitable schemes, VAT control and reconciliations, completing of VAT returns, negotiations with HMRC in case of disputes and representing in front VAT tribunals on your behalf.

Construction Industry Scheme (CIS)

Focusing on your core business activities can be tough when you have make status enquiries, do administration work, dealing with claims against you for benefits associated with employment, verify the subcontractor’s tax status, making of correct tax deductions and pay them, issuing of monthly CIS Tax Deduction Certificates to sub-contractors, weekly payments to all your sub-contractors, coverage of sub-contractors under Public Liability Insurance and also dealing with latest legal and tax developments. Ortenz & Co. specialises in Construction Industry Scheme to deal with all the activities on your behalf.

Contact Us

Have a question, need financial advice or facing problems related to your business? Do not worry, we are here to help you.